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Feb 18, 2024

Seasonal Plumbing Checklists for Salt Lake County Homes

In Salt Lake County, where the seasons bring a diverse range of weather conditions from the sweltering heat of summer to the freezing temperatures of winter, maintaining your plumbing system becomes crucial to ensure comfort, prevent damage, and save on costs. A well-maintained plumbing system can withstand the rigors of seasonal changes, avoiding common issues such as pipe bursts, clogged drains, and inefficient heating. Here’s a comprehensive seasonal plumbing checklist tailored for Salt Lake County homeowners to keep their systems running smoothly all year round.


As the snow melts and the temperatures begin to rise, spring is the perfect time to assess and repair any damages that winter may have inflicted on your plumbing system.

  • Inspect for Leaks: Check all faucets, pipes, and toilets for leaks or drips. The freeze-thaw cycle can cause pipes to crack or burst.
  • Clear Gutters and Downspouts: Remove debris from your gutters and downspouts to prevent blockages and water damage to your home’s foundation.
  • Test Outdoor Faucets: Ensure outdoor faucets weren’t damaged by freezing temperatures and check for leaks.
  • Service Your Water Heater: Flush your water heater to remove sediment buildup and check the pressure relief valve to ensure it’s operating correctly.
  • Check Sump Pump: Test your sump pump by pouring water into the pit to make sure it’s pumping out water efficiently to handle spring showers.


The summer months are a time for maintenance and preparation for the hotter days when water usage typically spikes.

  • Inspect Sprinkler Systems: Check your sprinkler system for leaks or broken sprinkler heads to conserve water and ensure efficient operation.
  • Look for Sewer Line Blockages: Tree roots can invade pipes in the warmer months. If you notice slow drains or a sewage backup, it may be time to have your lines checked.
  • Prevent Clogged Drains: Be mindful of what goes down your kitchen sink, especially if you’re enjoying summer fruits and barbecues. Avoid disposing of hard-to-grind waste in the garbage disposal.
  • Conserve Water: Consider installing low-flow fixtures to reduce water usage during the peak season.
  • Prepare for Vacations: If you’re planning a vacation, consider shutting off your main water supply and draining pipes to prevent leaks while you’re away.


Fall in Salt Lake County is the time to prepare your plumbing for the colder months ahead, ensuring that your system is protected against the freezing temperatures.

  • Disconnect and Drain Outdoor Hoses: Prevent hoses from freezing and bursting by disconnecting, draining, and storing them indoors.
  • Insulate Pipes: Insulate exposed pipes in areas like the basement, attic, and garage to prevent freezing.
  • Service the Heating System: Have your heating system serviced by a professional to ensure it’s ready for winter.
  • Check Water Heater: Ensure your water heater is set to the optimal temperature (around 120°F) for efficiency and to reduce energy costs.
  • Inspect the Roof: Check the roof for leaks or damage that could affect your home’s plumbing and heating.


The cold winter months demand special attention to avoid frozen pipes and other cold-weather plumbing issues.

  • Keep the Heat On: Keep your home heated to a minimum of 55°F, even if you are away, to prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Open Cabinet Doors: Allow warmer air to circulate around plumbing by opening cabinet doors under sinks.
  • Let Faucets Drip: Allow faucets to drip slightly to relieve pressure and prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Seal Leaks: Seal leaks around doors and windows to keep cold air out.
  • Know How to Shut Off Water: Make sure everyone in the household knows how to shut off the water in case a pipe freezes and bursts.

By following these seasonal plumbing checklists, Salt Lake County homeowners can protect their homes from common plumbing issues and ensure their systems remain efficient and functional throughout the year. Regular maintenance not only prevents costly repairs but also conserves water and saves on utility bills, making it a wise investment for any homeowner.


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